Neo Emotional Release

How is your relationship to anger? Have you ever connected with the deeply rooted shame you carry since generations? Where were you able to fully express your sadness and grief? 

We all carry so many suppressed emotions within ourselves and in our bodies. What wasn’t safe to feel or express, stays in our systems as stuck energy which can manifest in physical symptoms or mental and emotional discomfort.

In an Emotional Release session, you experience the necessary safety to connect with your emotions. We create the space your system needs to naturally bring to the surface what wants to be dealt with. This is not an artificial process nor is it about forcing any emotions to come up. It’s about connecting with your inner life force, your own body intelligence. It’s about you and your individual needs that day, in that moment. I am there to hold space and to support you in your process.

An Emotional Release sessions can consist of different elements: bodywork, work with the subconscious mind, breathwork, verbal guidance, movement.

I offer 1:1 session which contains of a pre-talk, the session and an integration call. The cost is 200€ plus room rent. An online session is 150€.

Please reach out to book your session either in-person or online:


I also offer group workshops and releases.

  • 31.08.-01.09. at evolve Festival in Frankfurt Oder

  • 15.09.24 at Urban Yoga Altona Hamburg