Videos on demand

Here you find Yoga Video Bundles that you can watch whenever you like from the comfort of your own home, made with love by Amélie. You can find all the booking options, ↓with a contact form below to book ↓. Reach out with the chosen product or with any questions and we will get back to you <3

Yoga Video Bundles

Our Yoga Bundles consist of 3 videos on a specific topic.
Each bundle costs 28€ and will be send to you to keep and replay whenever you need it from the comfort of your own home. Find below all bundles with descriptions on each video.

Bundle 1: Energy Boost with Amélie

It’s all about energy. This bundle includes different sessions to boost and lift up your energy levels.

Session 1: “Light up your inner fire”

Session 2: “Fueling your energy”

Session 3: “New energy from a strong centre”

Bundle 2: Inner Balance with Amélie

These three sessions support you in finding your inner balance and tune into a state of equanimity.

Session 1: “Moon and Sun balance”

Session 2: “Grounding & balancing”

Session 3: “Root down”

Bundle 3: Open your heart with Amélie

These session will support you in meeting and overcoming challenges, to open your heart and find lightness.

Session 1: “Meeting challenges”

Session 2: “Compassion from a strong and open heart”

Sesssion 3: “Feel the lightness”

** SPECIAL ** Bundle 4: All four elements with Amélie

This four yoga sessions will guide you through all four elements, taking aspects of each element into your practice. Each video is accompanied by a deepening meditation.

Session 1: Fire

Session 2: Water

Session 3: Earth

Session 4: Air


Send us a message with the product you wish and wether you want to pay via paypal or bank transfer and we will get back to you via e-mail!