Yoga, Emotional Release, Meditation, Ceremonies and Wellbeing


There is no retreat planned at the moment, but you can find some pictures attached down below on what we base our retreats on.

Stay tuned on our instagram for our next retreat, day-retreat, workshop or event!

Sometimes life gets busy and we get all caught up in our daily routines and to-dos. We know this too well. What we have experienced, is how precious and restoring a retreat is. To zoom out, get back into your body, reconnect with yourself and only do things that do you well. To be with eachother and share our stories, our worries and our visions - we’re meant to commune. But not always do we have a week or more to travel somewhere far. This is why we make our retreats accessible in terms of time and location. It offers the perfect mindful escape from reality, a long weekend full of things and activities that let you release and restore.